Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving boxes again?

Yep. I guess we just have decided it's fun to mix it up every six months and move somewhere new. Crazy. Absolutely crazy. We went this morning while SK was in Parent's morning out and checked out the oncampus apartments and talked details with the guy that is over them (I am sure he has a title, I am just too tired to think of it...) The apartments are simple, nothing fancy, but will be so good for our family for so many reasons. I would be able to walk to work (only like a 5 minute walk to the neighborhood behind the apartments) and Michael would be right there on campus to walk to class and the library. It makes so much sense for us to do this. Also for me it will be nice to be living so close to other seminary wives and mommas. I am looking foward to the community we will get there. Poor SK. This will be her fourth house to live in. She has adjusted well so far, so I think she will do good this time. And how fun for her to be so close to the playground on campus and hopefully make some good budies out there playing.

So out come the moving boxes yet again. I am planning to wait till probably the week before and just have a moving party and have people come help. At least this is only 10 minutes down the road and not 8 hours.

On another note, Sat. we spent the day at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Incredible place. Normally it costs to go in, but is free on Sat. mornings. SK had a blast at the Children's garden and the whole place was so incredible. Hopefully we can get back there sometime in May. For the next couple weeks though I am sure we won't do too much since it is finals time around here. Michael has a couple papers to finish up and then study for 1 oral exam and 3 written exams. Tonight, he got to take a break and go to his first Cardinal's baseball game. I am so excited for him. He took the camera so hopefully he is getting some pictures I can share later. He was telling SK about going to it and she was excited and said, "You can watch baseball and you can base the ball back and foward!" Not quite sure she completely understands the game yet.

Speaking of the monkey, she has become quite the funny one. I have started trying to write down some of the goofy things that come out of her mouth so I can remember them. Of course I write them on random papers and tend to loose them, but eventually find them :)

Other things I have written down lately:
"When I fall down it makes me serious."--She has started using the word serious pretty often, and most of the time, not in the correct way :)
"I'm dizzy to walk, momma, carry me!"--This is what she says when she is tired of walking and wants to get carried. Or she will sometimes say, "I have to rest on the couch, I am dizzy to do that right now" whien I ask her to do something like take her plate to the kitchen or clean up toys.
"Baby and Maddy" are still her favorite bedtime buds. Maddy is her little blanky, but she has always called it Maddy and it still as the title of the blanky.

That's all I can think of or find the random notes I made for now. She is quite the goofy kid and so much fun lately. I still want everyone to know back in Alabama that might look at this, that our hearts are hurting with yours for such tragedy and we are praying for everyone. May God be glorified through this. We pray that the body of Christ continue to live out the gospel in this time and minister to those who are hurting either physically and/or spiritually. Our prayers are with you.


  1. I know that thinking of moving is a big pain, but I am so excited for y'all! I bet you'll love living on campus!!

  2. Michelle...I AM SO EXCITED! I have wanted to get to know you guys more and am just thrilled you are moving on campus. Maybe sweet SK can rub off on my wild and strong willed C?
