Monday, May 27, 2013

8 months!

Our baby girl is 8 months old today!!  Hard to believe :)
So what all is she up to...

She is now able to hang out on all 4's...she might have had help getting in that position :)
She isn't mobile yet though...and we are good with that.

She started clapping last week, and she is so proud of herself when she does it!

She is still a great nurser and is eating food twice a day.  She loves to eat like a big girl and gets so excited when she sees the food come out.  She starts working her hands like cute.

Sleep....we are making it, not doing too bad really.  But not sleeping through the night really.  She wakes normally once a night now for a quick feeding then is back down till at least 7 or most of the time closer to 8.  She takes 2 naps a day and you never know each day if it will be a long or short nap.

She is not the cuddler like her sister was/is.  She loves to be held, but doesn't necessarily cuddle up on you when she gets tired.  I will rock her before naps or bedtime and she will "play" with me till I put her in the bed.  She does snuggle in the middle of the night, so that helps Momma not get too annoyed with still getting up during the night.

Most of her hair has fallen out and is now coming in much lighter.  We noticed this week that the little bit of hair she does have that is original shows where on the ends is dark then changes to being lighter.
I keep meaning to try and get a picture of that...

She loves to "talk".  And she loves to blow raspberries on your arm if you will let her.  Crazy kid :)

She has become a great car rider, which I hope will continue later in the summer when we make the 8+ hour car ride to Alabama.

She loves, loves, loves her big sister, and I am pretty sure the feelings are mutual ;)

Alright, that's what comes to mind that I want to get in writing to remember!  Off to enjoy a morning date with my hubby this morning...woohoo!
Maybe I will try to get some better pics later today...poor kiddo :)

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