Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well, we can now officially say we have one more semester under our belts!  Michael finished up his last exam yesterday.  Whew.  That was a doozie of a semester and I am glad to have it behind us.  Michael got to go out last night with a group of guys to the Cardinal's game to celebrate and he deserved it!  I am so ready for a much needed break.
So what does our summer look like?  Well...We have the next few weeks to recoup then Michael will be taking a summer class for 3 weeks or so in the month of June.  I hear it is a tough class, so that will be a fun 3 weeks I am sure, but that is it for the summer.  Woohoo :)
I need to clean.  Like really clean our apt.
I need a date with my hubby.  Or maybe multiple dates.  With the semester being so crazy and a certain little baby girl that doesn't like mommy to be too far away for too long, our dates are kinda sparse lately.  We need to fix that...asap.
I love summertime.  I am ready for pool time, sprinkler time, ect.  I love being able to be outside all day and let kiddos burn their energy outside :)  SK is loving being able to be outside all day too.  Yesterday for instance, we headed outside at 9:30 a.m., came in for lunch (actually at a friend's place...), then headed right back out by 2 or so and stayed out till 7!  She would have stayed out longer too if I would let her.  She loves to be with friends and be outside playing.
I wish I would have taken some pictures yesterday.  We had a little "garden" party which turned into a little dance party for the kiddos with music blaring!  What a great way to end a crazy semester and welcome summer ;)
Maybe I will remember my camera today if we go out....
Here is Michael hanging at the game last night:

Yeah for being three quarters of the way done!  I can't believe we only have 1 year till we graduate.  Wow.  

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