Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monkey update

Thought I might take a few moments to do a SK post.  I am horrible at writing down things about her and I want to be able to look back and remember some of these fun things she was up to at this age.
She is at such a fun age.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  It is so funny to me that she asks to call her grandparents or random friends and also wants to send text messages.  She loves to send messages on my phone.  I have to limit her :) 
Last night at church, we were talking in her class of things we were thankful for and she said she was thankful for Mountains and Ladybugs.   Cute kid!
She loves painting these days too.  And playing house.  And "writing notes" or scribbling :)
She is still loving books.  She could read all day, well, that and watch movies.  We have to mix it up more than that though, so we paint a lot lately and she loves to help me in the kitchen too.  It is fun that she is really getting to the age where she can help and do more.  I love having a little helper.
The girl would pick out a dress or skirt to wear every day if it was up to her.  She runs to her room every morning when I say it is time to get dressed and yells "I want to pick a dress!  That's a good idea!"
Going along with that, she plays dress up just about every day.  There have been many days where I leave her in her room (in her bed) for nap and when I check on her later she has snuck out of her bed and ended up back in her bed asleep with her ballet dress or princess dress on.
She did that one night when Mimi was here.  She got out of her jammies and into her leotard without us hearing any of it.  Goofy kid.  You never know what she will end up wearing by the end of her nap.
She loves to sing.  It is so so precious to be a teacher in her Wed. night class and here her sing all of her songs.  I love it.  She goes to bed singing her favorites.  Melts my heart.
She is quite the cuddler, and I love that.  There are many days where I am busy doing something in the kitchen or around the apt. and she says, "Momma, do you want to snuggle with me on the couch?"  Um, yes.  I refuse to ever be too busy to say no to that.  I don't want to miss any chance to snuggle with my girl.  The laundry and dishes will be there later.
Ok, so there's an update.
The is the only picture I have taken lately.  See SK?  Not a good pic, I know, but this was from her singing with all of the Kirk Kids at church on Sunday morning.  She was so cute, at least I think so :) 

1 comment:

  1. That's a GREAT picture of MY kiddo!!! I need a copy of that :)
