Wednesday, June 6, 2012

23 weeks :)

I went to the doc yesterday for my checkup and got to see sweet Evelyn Joy again with an ultrasound.  I will be having an ultrasound from here on out for the remainder of the pregnancy just to check on growth.  I had IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) with SK and so this time around the doc is just going to keep a watch on growth for us to make sure everything is looking good.  I like ultrasounds so it works out pretty good :)
She was measuring right on yesterday, actually measuring more like 3-5 days ahead!  She was all scrunched up on a ball wth her foot on her head.  I must say she was really cute all folded up and all.  According to the ultrasound she is weighing in at about 1 lb. 5 oz.  I was so overjoyed to see how good she is doing and growing. 
So far looking at the pictures from the ultrasound, she looks like she is going to have a little button nose like her sister. 

The nurse had a bit of a hard time getting any good pictures since her foot was up by her face and her little fist was there there (and you could see her sticking 1 little finger was cute :))
I should take a belly pic to share I know :)  Maybe this weekend we will get around to that...

1 comment:

  1. Love those sweet ultrasound pictures! Michelle, since I'm no longer on FB I set up a blog. Please visit me when you have a chance : )
