Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Time in Alabama

I'm back.  Slowly but surely I will catch up with my blogging.  I wanted to blog about our time in Alabama before we got too far away from it.  We were able to spend a little over  a week with family and friends there and it was awesome.  I was really horrible about taking pictures, I guess I was too busy just soaking in the time there and enjoying myself to worry about pictures :)
We were able to make it to a friend's wedding the first Sat. night we were there, which was so awesome!  SK came to the wedding with us and then we let her go on the bed at my mom's while we headed out to the after party!  It was a fun night to hang with our church family and enjoy a night out with everyone we love and miss so much. 
It was a good week of spending time with family and friends and I wish it could have beeen longer.  We swam, played, napped, and ate really good :)
It is hard too though.  I love love love our church in Alabama.  It is hard to go for just 1 or 2 services and know I won't be there for the next.  They were getting ready for their VBS the following week and I found myself sad that we weren't there helping with preparations for it and SK being a part of it.  It is hard too to see Sk with her old friends there.  She was 2.5 when we left for St. Louis and now it takes her some time to reconnect with her buddies back in Alabama.  I have a hard time with that.  Now don't get me wrong, we love St. Louis and know that the Lord definitely called us here for this time in our lives and we love the people he has placed in our lives here.  We are truly so blessed here.  But that doesn't mean I don't miss the relationships there. 
Ok, enough about that.
I did catch a few pictures while we were in Alabama :)
Filling up the pool at Mimi's house!

 Tea Party time with Mimi!

 Pool time at Haven's house!

 Playing with the choo choo train with Papa!

 Sk's newest discovery---she loved pickle juice...she licked a pickle for the juice :)

 Walking Pearl (Nana and Papa's puppy) with Aunt Lala!

Painting time with Nana and Papa--this is when Nana was teaching her how to use watercolors!

We are trying to soak in our week with Daddy this week before he leaves for Cape Town, South Africa for 19 days.  That will have to be a whole other blog post though...

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for him as he travels and for you and SK while he's gone. It was good to see you guys while you were here.
