Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reasons he's so great :)

6 years ago today, I married the love of my life.  I can definitely say that I love him more today than ever.  I thought I would share with you what makes this man so great.  So here goes my list in no particular order :)

1.  He takes care of me and SK so SO well.
2.  He makes me a grilled cheese sandwich almost everyday even if he might be tired and hungry himself.
3.  He puts up with me :)
4.  He knows when I need a break and makes every effort to make that happen.
5.  He gives really good back rubs.
6.  He unloads the dishwasher...that is pretty sexy :)
7.  He can get so passionate about what he is learning and I love to see his passion when he talks about it.
8.  He is so awesome with SK as her daddy.
9.  He makes me sit down and rest when I need to.
10.  He will do whatever he can to keep me from stressing out over things.
11.  He puts others before himself.
12.  He loves the Lord.
13.  He will try anything I cook.
14.  He won't complain if he doesn't really like what I cook :)
15.  He comforts me and encourages me when I am down in the dumps.
16.  He always kisses me goodnight.
17.  He always kisses SK goodnight.
18.  He will make me stop running around the house doing chores and just hug me.
19.  He is a good snuggler :)
20.  He makes me feel beautiful even if I haven't put on makeup or look like a mess.
21.  He takes out the trash.
22.  He is so humble.
23.  He cleans the bathroom since pregnancy doesn't really make that fun for me anymore.
24.  He will stay up way too late at night to study so that he doesn't have to take away from familytime with me and SK earlier in the night.
25.  He cooks raw meat for me when it makes me want to gag.
26.  He makes time for me even when his plate is full with school and work stuff.
27.  He still likes to take me on dates and makes it a priority for us to do it often.
28.  He still holds my hand often :)
29.  He is good at making me laugh.
30.  He is even better at getting SK laughing.  (I love to see him play with her and get her giggling!)

I love him.  Isn't he great? :)  I think so.  Six years ago today I would have never thought we would be where we are today.  I am glad we are where we are though.  I love to see him following the Lord's call on his life in ministry.  I am excited to see how the Lord will use him and our family in the coming years.  I can totally see that Michael is right where he is supposed to be right now.
It is fun to watch.  To see him learning in school and come home so passionate about how the Lord is drawing him closer and closer to Himself through that is pretty awesome.  I wish I had that same passion.  It pushes me, that is for sure.  His passion is infectious :)
I miss him being here today.  But I look back at the last 6 years of marriage and am so thankful for where we are now and that he is having the opportunity to go overseas and experience what all he is getting to experience.
It is hard to believe it has been 6 years.  We have actually been together for over 11 years now.  That is crazy!  Where has the time gone?  I can't wait to see what the next 6 hold and beyond.
Thought he won't be able to read this for another week and a half....
Aaron Michael Davis---
I love you to the moon and back.  You are so incredible as a husband and father.  Evelyn Joy and Sarah Kate have the best daddy.  We miss you so much, but are so excited at the same time for you and for our family to see where the Lord leads us from here in ministry.  I must say though, I am ready to have my hubby back :)  Thank you for loving me so well and putting up with my craziness at times.  I like being your wife and getting to call you my husband.

Alright, enough mushiness right? :)  Sorry.  If I don't get a chance to really tell him all this today (since we only get to chat for 10 minutes....sharing that time with SK too :)) I want him to know that he is pretty awesome and a great guy. He deserves to be bragged about!   Hope everyone has a blessed Lord's day today!

1 comment:

  1. Tears are trickling as I read this and my heart is so full of gratefulness to The Father for his abundant Love and blessings!
