I have 2 thoughts to share, while I have a chance :) SK had a fun day on Thursday with some friends at the zoo. We made quite a morning of it checking out all the different animals at the zoo.
Here's the group shot!
On the same day, SK had a realization that bugs live outside. Yep. It has been quite interesting. We walk at least 3 days a week on a path (wooded) from the house I nanny at to the seminary playground. Surprisingly, we come across bugs on this path. Yep. SK doesn't like this new realization. She is actually pretty funny about it. Today I had to take pictures, because that is what a good momma should do, right? That is, after talking to her about it several times. Oh my. She is so funny. She loves to go to the zoo and see the animals from a distance, but put them too close to comfort and we have a problem. She really has a problem with cecadas (which were everywhere!! but are slowly dying off). I told Michael we are going to have to take her camping or something to break her of this craziness.
It's a blury picture, but can you see the look of concern on her face? And her little hand stayed on her chest like that on the whole walk...
Goofy kid!
Oh my goodness... sweetie pie! I don't like bugs either little one! Hugs and Kisses, Nana