We have had quite the week around here. We have moved all of our junk...I mean belongings...to the new apartment and somewhat unloaded the boxes there. It is nice to have this week to go ahead and get some things unpacked at the new place so we can hopefully get settled in pretty quickly. It also makes for a pretty tiring week. We spent the first 3 days of the week loading up vehicles at night and taking them the next day, unloading, and puting away at the new place, then heading back home eating dinner then reloading the cars. Whew. Yeah, it was tiring. So we decided to take a day off to rest up. So, last night we didn't do any loading, therefore didn't have to unload today. It was a much needed break. And tonight, we loaded up the rest of our things that will not go on the truck and they will get unloaded tomorrow afternoon before we go and get our truck. Michael needed the time off from packing and moving since he has a test in Greek tomorrow and I needed the break since I think I have strained or pulled a muscle in my calf. I think I overdid it with going up and down the stairs carrying boxes and all.
On to our day off. We had playgroup today at a park in Clayton, not far from our current house. It is one of 105 parks that are here in the city. Yep, 105 parks. Crazy right? We have loved having such fun places to go to. This park had a great playground with a treehouse thing and a water play area too. SK had so much fun with her friends and I had fun with their mommy :) We are gearing up for a big day Sat. with the moving of furniture, but are feeling pretty good about what we have accomplished so far.
If you happen to think of us tomorrow (or if you are reading this on Friday) please pray for us. Pray for Michael to have clarity of thought while he takes his exam and to recall all of what he has llearned in class well. Pray for our strength. I am tired and my body is achy. We are so excited to get moved though. We are so thankful that the Lord has paved the way for us to be able to move on campus. It has been so awesome to look back at how the Lord orchestrated this whole thing. Like, us only signing a 6 month lease where we currently were. We were originally willing to sign a 2 year lease with our current tenants, but since they didn't quite understand how we were going to be able to afford rent and definitely didn't get the "we are trusting the Lord to provide..", so they wanted to only have us sign a 6 month lease. God is so good to take care of us and it is so neat to get to look back and see how His hand was working before we even knew we might be moving. I am off to get ready for bed (yep, it's early but I have a 5 am alarm.) Here are a few pictures I took from our time at the park: Night Y'all!

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