Thursday, June 30, 2011
Park Fun and moving...
Monday, June 27, 2011
There. Better.
I am going to miss this place we are living now. There are so many cool things about living in the city. We are walking distance to so many things like a grocery store, places to eat, a pizza place, parks, ect. We really have enjoyed being able to walk over to the park or down to another park that has a cute little candy shop beside it. The neighborhood is awesome too. It has been a fun little area to live. But,
*It doesn't have AC
*It requires driving both cars to campus 5 days a week.
When we move, I can literally walk faster to work than drive. Michael can walk to class. I can go over to our place during the day easily. For instance, I can go over if I forget to put laundry in the dryer or get dinner out of the freezer. Poor Michael gets a text at least once every morning from me asking him to bring something over that I forgot, or get meat out of the freezer or do some laundry. I am looking foward to being on campus for so many reasons. I am just ready to be done with the moving part.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My List...
1. Bar-b-que. We must have bbq. We haven't had it since moving. Specifically we want some Charley's. Good ole Charley's. We attempted last night to make the potatoes like Michael used to always get there, with bbq chicken and all the fixin's. Not quite as good, but it was pretty good. We need to just bring back a bottle of their sauce. Do they sell their sauce?? I need some of that.
2. Joel's. We have yet to find any kind of meat and 3 place. The closest we came to it was Cracker Barrel a couple weeks ago. I love home cooking foods. I cook it some, but it is nice to find a good place that serves it too. I remember as a kid always going on Sunday's to Joel's. I love that place, or another one that I really liked was Cafe on Main. I will take either. Just some good fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, and green beans. I already know what I plan to order. Sad, I know.
3.Publix. I just need to go say hello and that I really miss it. SO maybe I am kidding, maybe not. For those of you who knew how much I loved that store and the couponing that once took place for me there, know I am probably not. There is nothing like that here. I have just about given up on getting into the couponing here. Publix spoiled me.
4. Sweet Tea. So this isn't a place, but it is carried at any place we will probably go. That is not the case here in ST. Louis. We have even gotten funny looks for asking for sweet tea and responses like, "You can add a sugar packet in our unsweet..." Um, no. And there is a handful of places that carry it here, but it doesn't seem to be as sweet and good as in the south. We do make it at our house, but not often enough.
Ok. So that will get us started right. And it goes without saying all of the given things like our parent's houses we can't wait to hang out in, the church, our church family, ect. ect.
Can you tell I am excited about our trip back to Bama? I am. I am worried that it will be harder to leave this time around than it was in January. Pray for us for that please. We know that the Lord brought us here and we are right where we are called to be, but that doesn't mean we won't miss what we had been so blessed with back in Alabama.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
We got to celebrate father's day Alabama style today! No, we didn't make a quick trip to Alabama, but we did do some things that remind us of Alabama. After church we decided to drive to Cracker Barrel (these aren't close to us here, so we haven't been to one since moving...) for lunch. We have yet to find a restaurant here that serves good home cookin' kind of food. You know, like a meat and 3 place. I am thinking of Joel's in Trussville. Man, I miss that place and it is definitely on my list of places we must go while in B'ham in August. After stuffing our faces for lunch, there just so happened to be a krispy kreme donuts just at the same exit. This is yet another place that we have not been to since moving due to none being anywhere close to where we live. I love Krispy Kreme. I mean really, REALLY love it. It reminds me of being pregnant with SK, since it was one of my major cravings while pregnant with her. Anyways. We went through the drive through and brought a dozen home.
We are planning a lazy afternoon/evening for the rest of our day around here. I hope everyone else had a great Father's Day. We wish we could be able to hug Pop up today too. We love you Pop and hope you have had a great day. We are so blessed with such a great Dad and Pop for Sk. Thank you for loving us so much and being such a Godly man. We love you and can't wait to see you again in August. Tell Pearl to give you a kiss for us :)
I am off to be lazy and eat donuts. Peace out, y'all
Friday, June 24, 2011
Zoo Night
I love that there are so many free fun things to do in this city. It has been so nice for us to be able to find these moments to take a break from everything and just go find a fun activity and hang out as a family.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sk's Birthday Party!
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Zoo and the bugs...
Goofy kid!
Date Night :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
My Little Monkey
I can't believe my baby turns 3 tomorrow. Wow. Tonight she told me that "I am not a baby anymore but I will always be your little monkey!" Man I love that little girl. I don't think they come any cuter. Really. Sorry to break it to all you other mommies out there, but I got the cutest one. I am loving the age that she is at right now. She says the funiest things everyday. Michael and I just look at each other and bust of laughing. She is growing up so much and it is so awesome to see the little girl she is becoming.
I am so proud of how well she did with our transition to St. Louis and the transition to having to share mommy everyday as I care for Molly (the little one I nanny). She is so sweet with Molly and it does my heart good to see her love Molly so much. The other night we were puting her to bed and she said "I am sad.." to which I asked her why and she said, "I want Molly here all the time!" She really does love Molly. I do hope and pray that one day we will be able to give her a baby sister or brother that can stay all the time.
*She has really, really gotten into the whole princess thing lately. We play dress up a lot around here. Well, both princess and ballerina. The important thing is that the dress, whether it be a princess or ballerina, has to twirl well. We love us a good twirly dress.
*She has also fallen in love with Dora the Explorer. We never really watched it prior to our move to St. Louis, but for some reason she has really gotten into it here. The one thing I do like about the show is how it is really teaching her some spanish. I think that is kindof cool. The other day, so used the spanish word for open (abra or something like that...) instead of speaking english to me. Funny kid.
*She is still an early bird most mornings. I miss weekday mornings with her, but on the weekends, she wakes up normally by 6:30/7 and calls out from her room, "Momma! The sun is up!" and then comes into our room and stands by our bed and announces yet again "The sun is up, we can get up now!"
*She takes an afternoon nap still most days. She occasionally (Probably twice a week or so) will just have rest time and not go to sleep.
*She is fully potty trained. Woohoo. She trained in Jan. right after moving. We are still working on the making it through the night, but other than that she is doing great with all of that!
*She loves going to the library for storytime and getting new books to check out. Other places she is loving to go to include the science center, the zoo, and the Magic House. She really loves spending time on the playground at the seminary, which we get to do pretty often since the house I nanny at is walking distance to it.
*Her new favorite movie is Tangled. She loves it. I could quote the movie and so could Michael I am sure.
I am pretty brain dead at this time of night, but I just wanted to wish my baby a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back!
SK thought it was cold out on Sat. when we were running some errands and insisted on wearing her gloves. She was quite the hit in the grocery store prancing around in her bright pink gloves :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Diving in to summer...
Not stressing. Really.
It is a lot if we look at the whole picture, but we are just taking it a day at a time, trying to do a little here and there.
Anyways. We did have some fun this week in the midst of all of that other stuff. We met some friends at the Magic House today (kinda like the Mcwane Center in Bham, but much bigger and cooler!). They have a summer sand castle thing outside where SK and her friend Chloe played in the sand till their little hearts were content. It would have been a good idea to bring a change of clothes, but I will remember that for next time. We were too busy having fun that I didn't even get the camera out. The girls mostly enjoyed filling up their buckets with water then pouring it all out only to go get more water. We were covered with sand by the time we were ready to leave. It was worth it for the amount of fun had!

Not much else to talk about I guess. I just thought I would do a little blog since I haven't done much this week. Hopefully I will do more blogging this weekend, we shall see.
Michael is walking over to the store. Wanna know what was on the grocery list for the evening...
1. Milk
2. Chocolate Icecream
3. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
4. Vanilla Icecream
5. Coke
I think we need to cut back sugar. You think? That or just keep it in our house more readily accessible when we need it. Wow. That list does look pretty bad. Maybe I should have had him get some apples too, just to balance it out a bit...
O well. In our defense, it is hot in our place. These window units just don't really cool off the place that well and icecream is more of a means to cool us off. There I feel better about the list...
Now I just need a good excuse for the cookies...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Now the pictures...
Monday, June 6, 2011
nana and Papa Visit!
Well--My blogger is not letting me upload pictures for some reason... Guess the pictures will come tomorrow :( I added plenty on facebook, but I will try again tomorrow to see if I can get them on hold tight till tomorrow, since I know yall are on pins and needles waiting to see all our pictures :)
We had a fun night tonight too. We headed to Chick-fil-A for princess night with our friends the Ely's. Caroline (their daughter) and Sk got to get all decked out in Princess attire, get a free kid's meal, got their hair done, and crowns made, and even played too in the play area. We had so much fun and Sk looked so adorable with her hair all done up and earings on. Once again, no pictures here...but they will come soon....I hope.