So I wanted to share 2 recent books I have read. I guess with having a husband constantly reading, it has pushed me to spend more time reading. I go in and out of stages where I really want to read and then times when I don't really care to spend the time. Lately Michael has had to read countless books, so I have jumped on board too. I figure if he is going to be sitting on the couch reading, the best way to hang with him, is sit down too and pull out a book of my own. Plus, I can't have him getting all kinds of knowledge and me not. He keeps telling me as he finishes a book, "you have to read this one too." I think we are up to 7 that he thinks I really should read. The next book I read will be one of his recs, but I had to read both of these first. I have heard all about "A Praying Life" from our church family back home. Well, it def. was an incredible book. If you haven't read it, go now and get it. It will rock your world. Here is just a few snippets from it:
"When we slow down to pray, we are immediately confronted with how unspritual we are, with how difficult it is to concentrate on God. We don't know how bad we are until we try to be good. Nothing exposes our selfishness and spiritual powerlessness like prayer."
"The criteria for coming to Jesus is weariness. Come overwhelmed with life. Come with your wandering mind. Come messy."
"...power in prayer comes from being in touch with your weakenss. To teach us how to pray, Jesus told stories of weak people who knew they couldn't do life on their own.... Learned desperation is at the heart of a praying life."
And lastly, one that really hits me...
"If you are going to enter this divine dance we call prayer, you have to surrender your desire to be in control, to figure out how prayer works."
"Until you are convinced you can't change your child's heart, you will not take prayer seriously."
So, go get the book. Or if you are in St. Louis, I have a copy you can borrow.

Next book. Adopted for Life by Russell Moore. I wish I had just bought this book, but I checked it out from the library. It is what inspired me to write
this post. Now some of you might say that you know you are not called to adopt so you rule this book out. Don't. Please. We are all called to be a part of caring for the orphans and widows. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We are all called to care in some way. Some to actually adopt. Some to help financially or prayerfully. Some with our time. Think of ways we can actually be workers for the kingdom by following this command. There is so much more than just the act of adopting. What about the widows who sit in nursing homes, some with noone coming to see them, day in and day out. Pray about how God is calling you to take care of orphans and widows. He will show you. For us, we feel that International Adoption is where we are being led to. We are so excited. And this book was good for me to read at this time. We are at the place where we are just waiting on the Lord's timing and taking the time now to study up on adoption and prepare our hearts for how to truly be used by God in whatever way he will call us. We want to be prepared for what He will call us to. So, put this on your list too :) I wish I had some quotes to share from this, but like I said, it wasn't my copy, so I couldn't highlight and write in it. I like to be able to do that to look back. Maybe I will just have to buy it and read it again sometime.

Next on the list is up to Michael. I have told him that I will read one of his choices next. I will let you know though. He really has read some good stuff and I hope he has time in between classes in May to share some of his learnings from the semester. Right now he is in crunch time though. I think there are about 3 weeks left in the semester where he has to get a big paper done, which he has I think 8-9 sources for, a timeline, another smaller 5 page paper, and some other little things, and finals. Whew. That makes me tired just looking at all that he has to accomplish. Then comes Greek this summer. He is really enjoying this school thing though, which is good, cause he has 3 more years of it :) Ok, enough jabbering. Maybe everyone will decide to get up soon. SK is cuddling in the bed with her Daddy. Maybe I will go back and join them. I wish I could sleep in like those 2 can. Oh well.
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