Weeks seem to fly around here. We stay so busy during the week and never seem to have time to update the blog. That is just how it is going to be it seems for now. Oh well. So our week. Let's see. Monday we decided (or more like Mommy decided for the family) that we needed to check out a cupcake shop after dinner. It was in a cute area called Central West End, not far from our house. We all shared a yummy cupcake and headed back home. Tuesday brought storms and I had a nice night at seminary chicks. Wednesday was busy with storytime at the library and then church that night after running a couple errands after work. Today was a fun day too. We headed out to a park to meet some friends and have an egg hunt with the kiddos.

It was cold. Very cold. Like in the 40's cold. We had planned to have a picnic after hunting eggs, but decided it was a bit cold for that, so we headed back to Molly's for lunch and naps. SK had a blast at Molly's today with a new bunny (that happened to be the same size as her!)

and even requested that the bunny take a nap with her. Goofy kid.

I really want to get better at recording the crazy funny things that she says so here is a list of things that she has said lately that I can remember:
"When you a get to be a little again, you can get a prizes" --Her response to me asking if she wanted to share her Easter candy. She tends to say that pretty often about when I am a little girl again. Crazy.
"Lemon m's" --m & m candy :)
"Belly Jeans" ---Jelly beans :)
These days when I ask for a kiss from her I get, "When we get home, you can get that kiss from daddy. k." Her face cracks me up with this one, cause she is so matter of fact about it.
"I wanna hold you, Mama!" --I know other kids do this too, but I think it is so precious.
"I'm Hickin' Up!" --We laugh so hard at this one. If you need translation it means she has hiccups.
"That's not a good idea." or "You think that's a good idea? Yeah." When likes or dislikes what Momma or Daddy says we are going to do.

SK also got a surprise in the mail from Mimi today. She was most excited about the "Lemon m's". The new shoes came in a close second :) Child loves her some shoes and chocolate. Girl after my own heart I must say! Thanks, Mimi for the fun package!
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