So yesterday afternoon, SK decided she wanted to wear some panties. She has been talking lots about pottying and recently got a new book (Thanks Mimi!) about going to the potty, so off we went to her room to put on panties. She has done this multiple times before, but never really wanted to sit on the potty and ended up tee-teeing in her panties. Last night was different though! She got her panties on and decided she wanted to try to sit on the potty. No tee-tee, but she said she would try after a bit (I set a timer and told her we would go and try again after the timer went off). Well, we go back and Ta-da!! She tee-teed! We celebrated and said we would keep going to the potty when she felt the need. Well, 15 minutes later we ended up with tee-tee in the panties, but wanted to keep trying, so we cleaned up and decided to keep trying to wear panties. After dinner, she goes running to the potty saying "I need to potty!" and yes she made it to the potty! So then the rest of the night, we heard "I need to potty" about 45 times, most of which meant that she wanted to go in the bathroom, pull her pants and panties down and pull them right back up and come back in the living room. She was wearing us out, but it was funny too. We went to bed in a pull-up, since she really wanted to (it helped that they had princesses on them). Got up this morning to a happy little girl for sure. She wanted to put her panties on, but proceeded to tee-tee in them. Then we decided since we were heading to church, we would see if she was ok with doing a diaper for church. We will see how this story continues, but hopefully this means we are on our way to being done with diapers! Woohoo!
We did make it to church this morning, though it was snowing quite a bit when we were leaving. We decided to check out Kirk of the Hills this morning, this being the 3rd church we have visited since being here. I really enjoyed this church. There are so many churches we could visit up here, almost too many. It makes my head spin really to try to remember things from each church. I know the Lord will lead us to the right church to be a part of while we are here in seminary, I just have to trust that. So I will leave you with what the sermon was on this morning:
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."--Matthew 13:44-46
The sermon really made me think. Think about what my "treasure" is. While my treasure should be Christ, in reality it is so many other things. So many times I find myself believing that "If I just could..." then I would have full satisfaction. Of course, how long will that satisfaction last? Makes me think, you know. Well, off to go rest up before starting work tomorrow! (While Sk sounds like she is not taking a nap again today...instead having "rest" time in her room).
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