Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am truly blessed. I love how the Lord throws little blessing our way even when my rotten self deserves nothing. Today, I am thankful for a clean house. So here's the story: Our landlord promised that our place would be cleaned right before we moved in, since it had been vacant for some time. Well, we find out the day before moving that her cleaners had caught the flu and would be unable to clean it. Boo! Well, it turns out to be a blessing in disguise really. Our landlord then said that she would have them come after we got everything unpacked and today was the big day! A sweet lady came and cleaned away for 2 and 1/2 hours while SK and I enjoyed lunch and a movie/knitting. It was lovely. To smell a clean house and not have to do it myself. I could get used to that. Except we have never used paid cleaners before and probably won't again. Not really in the budget, you know :) It was nice for today though!
Michael is at work today. He is liking working at ChicfilA and they really seem like a great company to work for. I am taking SK to meet baby Molly (who I will start keeping fulltime Monday). We have talked a lot about her and I think SK will do great.
So I feel pretty random with the blogging, but like giving updates on things here. I am ready to get into a routine. Have I said that before? I like routine and a schedule. I am trying to enjoy the somewhat down time we have right now, other than the crazy amount of errands and phone calls and such that we have had to do getting everything set up here.
I am also ready to find and get plugged into a church here. I miss Community and our church family in Alabama. I don't like being the "newbys" if you will. I know we will find something, but it will just take time.
On another note, I have started SK with chores up here. Not sure why I have never done this with her before. She is a pro at chores and LOVES doing them, even calling them "fun!" I hope to start a chart soon with rewards for her, like stickers and such, but for now, she is content to do them and get smiles from Mommy and Daddy. On her list of chores: Making her bed each morning, putting away toys before nap, helping unload the dishwasher (silverware is her job), and setting the table for each meal. I love having a little helper and she makes it more fun with her positive attitude, which makes it more fun for me :)
Well, that's all the rambling I got for now. I am thinking some JJ Heller and coffee are calling my name on this dreary and cold afternoon. Have I mentioned that it is cold up here? Like, one night this week I think the low is 0. ZERO! That is crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love the updates in the life of the our sweet family... keep it coming! Can't wait to see you guys... it won't get here to soon for us!!!!! We can hardly wait to put our arms around you, and hug you guys for real.... the hugs on skype will do for now!
    All my love, Nana

    P.S. Sarah Kate keep up the precious dancing, we so enjoy the show on skype, also Nana and Pop have another story to read to you! We love you and miss you so much little love!!!
