Today, my baby girl turns 2 years old. To be honest, this is probably my least favorite age, but she is still a cutie and totally worth celebrating and keeping around ;)
So what all is Evie up to these days...
*She can pitch a fit with the best of them. She will throw herself on the ground and scream. Bless her.
*She is talking more and more these days.
*She loves shoes. Loves them. Wants to wear them all the time. Today she got some dress up shoes for her b'day and stripped her shoes off and put them on and pranced around the playground in her new dress up shoes.
*She isn't a fan of sitting for long at meal time. She would rather get to run around and play and occasionally come over for a bite of food.
*Speaking of food...her favorites would include: chicken, any kind of beans or peas, chips, cereal bars, ice cream, fruit, more fruit, and a little more fruit. :)
*She loves her big sister. They are really fun these days to watch as they play together.
* She likes to brush her teeth like her big sister and cries when we brush her hair, not because it hurts her, but because she watches her big sister and wants to act like her when she gets her hair brushed.
*She is still a good napper. She will go down around 1 and sleep about 2 hours most days, sometimes more!
*She doesn't know a stranger most of the time. She will go up and talk to anyone she happens to run across when we are out and about.
*She likes to rock with momma before bed and is such a sweetie snuggling.
*She loves to play outside, and LOVES to swing.
*Being the 2nd child, she has had more opportunities than her big sister did to try different drinks that mommy has. The kid will snag any drink unattended and drink it. She so far has loved sprite, any form of juice, and root beer (which I have on hand more these days as they help with my nausea).
*She will cross her arms at us and yell "No!" when she doesn't want to obey. And she has made a run from me in Target before, which was really fun. Stinker.
*She loves stuffed animals. Esp. doggies it seems these days :)
Alright, that is enough for now. Just wanting to update on what all Evie is up to these days. We had a fun morning celebrating her at the park with a little party with family. We had popcorn with different seasonings and cupcakes. It was a simple but fun party. And she had fun, which is the main goal!
Here are some pics from our morning! She is napping now and we are planning to take her out to a park for dinner and playing more later!
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