It's been a while I know…what can I say other than life is busy and crazy. I was looking back at the blog last night and it looks like I haven't updated since before Christmas. SO here is a random update of things I can think of that have been going on around our household since then…
*Let's start with a funny/not so funny story.
Last Sunday, it was lovely outside. We knew it was going to be cooling off the next day, so we wanted to get outside for a little walk and soak in the warm sun. While on our walk, we went around campus, and were outside of the library (on campus) and SK climbed up on a brick retaining wall thing. She was walking along it, so I decided to climb up there with her and have some "fun". She then jumped off the wall to continue on our walk following daddy who was pushing Evie in the stroller. The thought in my head was for a little fun I would jump off too, but I was going to do a toe touch for added flavor, so to show my 5 year old how cool her mom was. Well….I am not cool. No where near. Michael turned around as I jumped up and off the wall for my spectacular toe touch (which said toes were not actually touched until I landed, at that was to see if I could still move them…). I had ballet flats on and was landing on concrete, 2 more factors other than my age and inability to actually still do a toe touch. I hit the ground on my feet and immediately went to the ground. I sat for a while and Michael and I decided to just get me back home to ice it and elevate it. I knew I could move my ankle, so it wasn't broken. Well, we waited it out and I tried to carry on limping everywhere for the rest of the week. I used crutches for a couple days, but they slowed me down too much and I found it easier to just walk on the outside of my foot. Then my knee started hurting by the weekend and I knew I needed to get in to the doctor to get an x-ray. Monday morning I went to an urgent care and after the x-ray was told that I had fractured my calcaneus bones or something like that and needed to see an orthopedic doctor. So Wednesday, I got in to an orthopedic guy and was written a prescription for a lovely boot to wear for the next month or so. Recovery, I was told, should take 6 weeks and probably another 4 before I would really be able to use my foot fully. Joy.
The boot does help though. I am resting it when I feel it start to hurt, but it is hard to do while chasing children around all day and such. My hubby has been awesome though and helped out so much so I have been able to put it up when I feel I need to.
Moving on….
What else have we been up to. hmmmm…
In mid-January we took a little road trip to Alabama to see family and friends and do a bit of support raising. We were able to meet with many churches and are praying for the Lord to provide through these meetings, but more importantly for us to trust and rest in the Lord for provisions for everything we need in order to get to England. We had a fun time seeing everyone down there and wish it could have been longer, but we enjoyed it. In just a few months, we will be headed down south after graduation so that is exciting to know we will have more time then to see everyone a little more. So if you don't know what our upcoming plans look like exactly (I can't remember what I have shared on here…) but we are graduating in May from Covenant (woohoO!!) and will be moving to Moody, AL to finish out our support raising. Our hope is to be able to move to England by March of 2015 (so a little over a year from now), but we know it is completely up to the Lord's timing with all of it.
*The girls have been good, just fighting off colds and coughs and such. I think we are getting better.
*I am heading out this afternoon for a women's retreat with the ladies at my church. This will be my first night away from Evie and I can't really remember the last time I had an overnight completely child free, so needless to say I am pumped. I am looking forward to being with women and having some refresh time :)
*Classes are in full swing for the spring. Our schedule is a bit crazy on some days this semester. Monday and Tuesdays are crazy for sure. On Tuesdays, Michael leaves for class at 8:15, gets back at 12:30 (or a little after), then leaves for work after a quick lunch, works till 3 or so, then we have counseling at 4, eat a quick dinner, then I head off to class at 6 till 8:15. Whew. I know Michael has said so far that he is loving all of his classes, so that is good :) I am taking 3 myself (auditing!) and am so glad I have been able to work out taking these. I wish I would have tried to work out taking more throughout our time here, but I am thankful for what I have been able to take. This semester I am taking a counseling class (Sense and Sexuality), Caring for God's Creation (Barr's class), and Ministry Matters (a class for the wives). I am soaking in everything so far and looking forward to the whole semester.
I can't think of what else you have missed out on that has been exciting, but this will have to do for now…
Hopefully it won't be another month till you hear from me :)
And maybe I can upload pictures too so you can skip the reading part and just see some cute pictures of our girls :)
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