I have so much going on in my head right now I feel like I can't see straight. Really.
I think I have said before on here that I am taking Marriage and Family Counseling this semester. Whew. Why did I wait till my last year to decide I wish I could at least have audited more counseling classes. I am thankful at least to get this one in. Dude. It is rocking my world though. What is hard right now too is that I can't find the time or brainpower to process what all is talked about in the class. I will explain more later maybe...I can't even process what I want to share on the blog really.
Pray for me. That I can process these things that are rolling around in my head. That the Lord will use this to grow me and use it to further His kingdom.
So this last class, we had a speaker come from Firstlight here in St. Louis. She spoke on the Trauma for spouses of men (which can also be said for the opposite as well) with sexual addiction issues. The stats are crushing.
50% of Christian men say they are addicted to pornography. (That is PRESENT tense...)
9 out of 10 boys are exposed to pornography before the age of 18.
75% of PASTORS say they are not accountable to anyone for their internet use.
67% of young men report that watching pornography is an acceptable way to express one's sexuality.
Maybe I am going to step on toes with this. Do I care? Maybe I need to. There are more stats if you look on Covenant Eyes website.
What upsets me as I begin to process all that was talked about is that we don't address this in the church. That is a generalized statement, I know, and there are some that are for sure. But how many times do you see a woman come forward for help because she is suffering from PTSD due to her husband dealing with a sexual addiction. Do women (and yes, I know it can go the other way as well...) feel safety somewhere within the church to find help, to get support and help. Or do men feel safe to say that they are struggling with a sexual addiction, or a woman feel safe to say she struggles as well with the same.
Then you look at the statistics dealing with children. That makes me want to go throw up really. What really it needs to make me want to do is get on my face and cover my children in prayer over this issue. Maybe that is what the Lord ultimately wants to teach me in all of this.
Ack. My head is spinning. Lord, come quickly.
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