Opening her presents (with her sissy's help of course)
Yummy apples at the farm!
This little cutie loved her apple!
"What is this mess on my hands?"
It was a fun day to celebrate our sweet girl. We had a blast at the apple farm. It was a simple, fun day. We took a cake out to the farm where we picked apples and had a picnic with friends and sang happy birthday. Evie wasn't a fan of the icing on her hands, so she never really ate any of her cake that night (plus she was tired by this point too, so that didn't help). The next night I gave her some more and fed it to her while she sat in my lap and she liked that much better.
I can't believe our baby is 1. Look at how much she has changed!!!

And let's see what SK looked like when she turned 1:
Similar? Different? SK def. has Evie beat in the hair department. Alright, off to get the day rolling.
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