We are officially candidates for support raising with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship. Woo to the hoo!
We got accepted last week and have been working this week to get set up with everything and are so completely excited to begin this journey. We know this road won't be easy, but we are excited to get to England and see how the Lord will use our family there. We want to be used by him to share in bringing His Kingdom to the United Kingdom! Hence the url change to the blog and all :)
We still have some details to work out, but with Michael being done with his class, we have a little more time this month to devote to that.
My heart is mixed with emotions and all as we get started. I am excited. I am anxious. I am fearful. I am overjoyed. Overall, I want the Lord to be glorified during this time. I want his kingdom to come and His will be done. My hope is to thrive during this time and see the Lord working, and not lean on my own strength.
We are excited to share our heart's desire and our sense of calling to the UK. As I have time, I hope to share some more on here, and also be able to get together with anyone who has an interest in hearing about what all is going on in the UK and how we feel like we can be a part of the work already going on there.
For now, I have to run, but keep checking in on here. It's a new URL, remember :)
If you are interested in hearing more about where we are at with everything or hearing more about our hearts for the UK, please let us know. We would love to get together with you!
(This is Leigh, where we are looking at moving to!)
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