Michael takes his final tomorrow...
after that I hope to find more time to catch up blogging.
Until then, I thought I would do a quick update on things I don't want to forget. SO here is a little list:
1. Evie slept through the night the last 2 nights. Wow. It is amazing what sleeping through the night will do for me. Amazing.
2. SK did VBS last week and had a blast. She got to sing on Sunday morning with all the VBS kiddos and was so stinkin' cute.
3. I love hearing SK pray before bed or after our family devotion time. Wow. What a beautiful thing.
4. Evie started to wave the last couple of days too. And I think she has started to sign back to us "more" at mealtime.
5. Evie can now get from the laying position to sitting up all on her own. She is also very interested in getting into things. She isn't crawling yet, but if she sees something she wants to get to, she will get there somehow. She can wiggle and roll her way to anything. Specifically she likes to make her way to the movies and pull them all out.
6. I have started back to teaching pilates. I have missed it and am glad to be back at it. It feels good to exercise (plus it is fun to get out of the house and have that time with other ladies that I enjoy :))
7. I have been reading more lately. Currently, I am reading "Watching the English". So far, it is interesting and I am curious to read more. It is about the "hidden rules of English behaviour".
8. My house is clean. I love it when it is clean. It doesn't last long, but I will enjoy it till the day begins and the kids change it's status.
9. Did I mention that Michael finishes his class tomorrow. SO ready to be through with it and have my hubby back. It's been a good class (from what he has told me, but very time consuming. After tomorrow, he will not be in class again till the end of August. Woohoo.
10. We had some good news yesterday. :) Fun stuff going on at our house! Should I make you wait to hear??? Yeah...I think I will. I will say it has to do with the process of us getting to England :)
Now, hopefully next week I will spend more time on here. Even post a pic or 2 of our cute girls of course.
1 more sidenote...I did get the cutest video of Evie belly laughing the other day and another of her blowing raspberries on my leg. The girl is addicted to blowing raspberries and being quite loud when doing it. She thinks it is hilarious.
Ok. Off to start the day. See ya soon.
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