Michael takes his final tomorrow...
after that I hope to find more time to catch up blogging.
Until then, I thought I would do a quick update on things I don't want to forget. SO here is a little list:
1. Evie slept through the night the last 2 nights. Wow. It is amazing what sleeping through the night will do for me. Amazing.
2. SK did VBS last week and had a blast. She got to sing on Sunday morning with all the VBS kiddos and was so stinkin' cute.
3. I love hearing SK pray before bed or after our family devotion time. Wow. What a beautiful thing.
4. Evie started to wave the last couple of days too. And I think she has started to sign back to us "more" at mealtime.
5. Evie can now get from the laying position to sitting up all on her own. She is also very interested in getting into things. She isn't crawling yet, but if she sees something she wants to get to, she will get there somehow. She can wiggle and roll her way to anything. Specifically she likes to make her way to the movies and pull them all out.
6. I have started back to teaching pilates. I have missed it and am glad to be back at it. It feels good to exercise (plus it is fun to get out of the house and have that time with other ladies that I enjoy :))
7. I have been reading more lately. Currently, I am reading "Watching the English". So far, it is interesting and I am curious to read more. It is about the "hidden rules of English behaviour".
8. My house is clean. I love it when it is clean. It doesn't last long, but I will enjoy it till the day begins and the kids change it's status.
9. Did I mention that Michael finishes his class tomorrow. SO ready to be through with it and have my hubby back. It's been a good class (from what he has told me, but very time consuming. After tomorrow, he will not be in class again till the end of August. Woohoo.
10. We had some good news yesterday. :) Fun stuff going on at our house! Should I make you wait to hear??? Yeah...I think I will. I will say it has to do with the process of us getting to England :)
Now, hopefully next week I will spend more time on here. Even post a pic or 2 of our cute girls of course.
1 more sidenote...I did get the cutest video of Evie belly laughing the other day and another of her blowing raspberries on my leg. The girl is addicted to blowing raspberries and being quite loud when doing it. She thinks it is hilarious.
Ok. Off to start the day. See ya soon.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
More from the Birthday :)
First, let me give a shout out to Daddy! You are pretty stinkin awesome and I love you, Michael Davis (aka Daddy!) I love the way you love our children and are such a Godly example to them and are a picture of Christ to them. You are amazing.
And while I am up before the rest of the household, I thought I would take the chance to update with the rest of the day we had yesterday in pictures!
And while I am up before the rest of the household, I thought I would take the chance to update with the rest of the day we had yesterday in pictures!
Chose the white kitty to "Build"!
Matching girls ready to go take our first swim of the summer!
And this is how Evie decided to spend her swim time :)
Precious baby girl got all nice and relaxed in her float and fell asleep...(I did get her up after taking a picture and hold her for her nap :))
Picnic at Shakespeare in the Park (a free Shakespeare play at Forest Park!)...little one clapping!
Goldfish funny face!
Wish we could have actually stayed out longer, but we got to enjoy the pre-show stuff at least. 15 minutes into the play it started to look kinda nasty out with thunder and such so we walked very quickly back to our car and headed home.
All in all, it was an awesome day celebrating our firstborn. SK is such an awesome little girl and we are so blessed to be able to call her our daughter. It is so much fun to watch her grow up and become such a precious little girl. I am excited to get to see how the Lord will use her as she grows up. I am excited to see His plan for her life.
On a side note, back to the sleepover party....It was about 8:30 p.m. and the girls were watching the movie. Michael and I were sitting at the kitchen table chatting and waiting for the movie to finish and then help the girls get situated for bedtime. SK turns around to us and looks at me and says, "Hey mom, it's night night time...aren't you going to go to bed???" With a look like go on now mom, we are big girls....
It was a hoot. She thinks she is big stuff now. She said she will still let me cuddle with her though :)
And last night I was laying with her in her bed and we were talking about Daddy and I said that this morning we needed to smother him with kisses and tell him that he was the greatest daddy in the whole wide world. She replied..."But he isn't the greatest, momma! God is the greatest!"
SO...Daddy--you are the second greatest :) I think you are okay with that...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
SK turns 5!!!
Today is a big day in our house! My first baby is now officially a 5 year old! I can hardly believe it. To celebrate, we let SK have 3 of her friends over for her first ever sleep over party! It was quite the night. Friends got here after dinner and we started out the party with a scavenger hunt that led the girls to SK's present from us (a rockin' microphone!). Then they got dolled up with feather boas, earrings, and hair clips and freshly painted nails and rocked out taking turns singing.
After a bit of that we got set up for watching Cinderella with popcorn and goldfish. The girls actually sat through the whole thing! Then when that finished we got all ready for bed...
This was at about 9:30. Somewhere around 11, they were all asleep....finally.
At 11:15, Evie woke up. Yep. Tended to her, then I finally got to bed. Then she was up again at 2, then again at 4:40. Booger. Big ole booger. At 4:40, she woke again, this time waking up one of the girls. So I got back in the bed after tending to Evie at 4:50, then at 4:53, Eleanor came in our room and said she couldn't go back to sleep. I sent her to SK's bed and told her to try hard :) At 6, all the big eleanorgirls were up and at it :)
So here is the party in pictures:
After a bit of that we got set up for watching Cinderella with popcorn and goldfish. The girls actually sat through the whole thing! Then when that finished we got all ready for bed...
This was at about 9:30. Somewhere around 11, they were all asleep....finally.
At 11:15, Evie woke up. Yep. Tended to her, then I finally got to bed. Then she was up again at 2, then again at 4:40. Booger. Big ole booger. At 4:40, she woke again, this time waking up one of the girls. So I got back in the bed after tending to Evie at 4:50, then at 4:53, Eleanor came in our room and said she couldn't go back to sleep. I sent her to SK's bed and told her to try hard :) At 6, all the big eleanorgirls were up and at it :)
So here is the party in pictures:
Chocolate cupcakes were the birthday girl's request!
Daddy with his girls!
Since she is now 5, she says she is big enough to hold her sister while standing!
The picture to prove that mommy was there too...
Let's get this party started! All the guests arrived and got their boas and hair extensions on :)
Getting our nails did...
Time to watch the movie!
After waking up we had cinnamon rolls and sang "Happy Birthday!" to the birthday girl!
She had such a great time at her party and the rest of the day has been great too! After her friends left this morning, we treated SK to a trip to Build a Bear and Chick-Fil-A. It was a surprise that made her day! After that, we headed home and SK and me cuddled up in my bed and took a long nap while Daddy did some school work and Evie napped. As soon as we woke we decided to take a dip in the pool (at the house that I nanny at) then get our picnic supplies ready and head out to Shakespeare in the Park at Forest Park.
I will post more tomorrow...I am pooped. We only lasted about 15 minutes into the show before having to head out because of the rain. Now we are watching a movie and heading to bed in about 2 minutes.
More pictures to come tomorrow!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
It has been a bit of crazy around here the last 2 weeks. Michael is in an intense 4 week summer class and so he is having to be gone a lot to study and such. We have been outside most everyday and loving this summer weather we have had so far....well, except the last couple of days it has started to hit the 90's and that makes it harder to be out all morning.
So with Michael gone all day except for a quick lunch, I don't get much time to do any sort of computer stuff, like blogging.
But, here I am! I am still around, just trying to survive this crazy month. The good news is that after this class, he has a break till fall starts at the end of August! Woohoo.
In other news, Sarah Kate went this week to her first gymnastics lesson. The girl is a monkey and I have thought for a while that she would love gymnastics. And, she did. She loved every minute of the class and asked multiple times yesterday when she was going back. I didn't take my camera, but thanks to my friend (her daughter is doing the class too!), I did get a couple pics she sent on her phone to me!

And little Evie didn't want to be left out on the firsts going on around here, so she had many firsts at the playground last weekend as well. She enjoyed the swing for the first time...
Well, mostly enjoyed it.
Then even tried out the push car thing for a couple laps around the playground and loved it. In fact, she loved it so much that she screamed when we went to take her out of it because she wasn't ready to get up.
So there is a quick update. We have a big weekend ahead too! Our sweet, crazy, goofy, fun-loving Sarah Kate is turning 5 on Saturday! I can hardly believe it. Following along with our "firsts" theme, she is getting to have her first sleepover! She invited 3 friends (I told her that was all mommy could handle...) to spend the night and celebrate with her. She is so pumped :) After the sleepover tomorrow night we have a fun day planned to celebrate our big girl!
Hope to be back on here before 2 more weeks pass...
So with Michael gone all day except for a quick lunch, I don't get much time to do any sort of computer stuff, like blogging.
But, here I am! I am still around, just trying to survive this crazy month. The good news is that after this class, he has a break till fall starts at the end of August! Woohoo.
In other news, Sarah Kate went this week to her first gymnastics lesson. The girl is a monkey and I have thought for a while that she would love gymnastics. And, she did. She loved every minute of the class and asked multiple times yesterday when she was going back. I didn't take my camera, but thanks to my friend (her daughter is doing the class too!), I did get a couple pics she sent on her phone to me!
And little Evie didn't want to be left out on the firsts going on around here, so she had many firsts at the playground last weekend as well. She enjoyed the swing for the first time...
Well, mostly enjoyed it.
(and yes, I am that mom that snapped the picture of her screaming before tending to her...)
Then even tried out the push car thing for a couple laps around the playground and loved it. In fact, she loved it so much that she screamed when we went to take her out of it because she wasn't ready to get up.
So there is a quick update. We have a big weekend ahead too! Our sweet, crazy, goofy, fun-loving Sarah Kate is turning 5 on Saturday! I can hardly believe it. Following along with our "firsts" theme, she is getting to have her first sleepover! She invited 3 friends (I told her that was all mommy could handle...) to spend the night and celebrate with her. She is so pumped :) After the sleepover tomorrow night we have a fun day planned to celebrate our big girl!
Hope to be back on here before 2 more weeks pass...
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