We are only a few days away from crossing over the big pond! In case you read this blog and don't get our newsletter, we are headed over to Northwest England this Friday to spend a week looking at the possibility of moving there once we are done with seminary. Our ultimate goal in moving there would be seeing the gospel go out and churches planted. We are open to what the Lord will do and/or how He might use us to accomplish His work there.
We are taking Evie with us, and SK will be heading to Alabama for the week to get spoiled rotten, I mean well cared for :), by grandparents. I am nervous about leaving her. Will you pray for me??? I have no worries about her being taken care of well, but I have never left my baby for so long or been so far from her. I need prayers on this. I think Friday will be the hardest in terms of missing and being anxious about being away from her. Once we get on the ground there it will be better I am thinking :)
So our prayer for this trip is that the Lord will clearly show us whether this is what he is calling us to or not. I pray and desire for him to clearly close these doors if this is not what he has planned for us. Slam them shut if this isn't his plan. I want him to make clear to us if this truly is where he wants us to go. My desire is to come home from this trip at peace and even more excited about doing ministry there if this ultimately is his call on our family. Will you pray that with me?
Pray for Evie. I took her to the doctor Monday, just to get her checked out (ears and lungs...) since she has had a bit of a cough and runny nose. She was fine and all, but pray that nothing develops while we are gone and that she would be better before our flight on Friday.
Also pray for our travels. Pray that Evie does alright as we fly. We are on a fully booked plane, so hopefully she is a happy camper, so that everyone else on the plane can be the same :)
We are excited to have Michael's folks (Nana and Papa) coming up tomorrow (actually I think they are driving as I type). They will be with us till Friday then be driving SK down to Alabama after taking us to the airport.
So in case I don't get a chance to blog again, thanks for the prayers!
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