Thursday, March 28, 2013

6 months!!!

Our baby girl is officially 6 months today!  Hard to believe :)  So for fun and memories sake, here is a break down on what all she is up to these days:

*While we were in England, she finally rolled over for the first time.  She rolled from back to tummy on Monday night about 3 times or so before bedtime, then has done it just about every day since then.  She is funny though, since she doesn't really enjoy being on her tummy.  She rolls onto her tummy and gets mad till you help her get back onto her back.

*Today she had her first taste of food.  She was funny to watch trying to eat avocado.  She wasn't quite as funny as SK was, but she was still cute :)  We started so early with SK (at 4 months), so I think Evie is more ready to start foods and will do better at it earlier.

*She is still a booger about bedtime and sleeping at night.  During our trip, she never really got the whole time change thing, so most nights she would be wide awake for long stretches during the middle of the night till around 4 a.m.  Fun times, really.  Actually as I type right now she is crying in her bed after I have already gone in there 3 times to get her down and stay.  She will be asleep in my arms then wake up within 30 minutes or less realizing she isn't being held by mommy.

*She is getting more and more into toys.  She loves playing in her jumperoo and bouncing around.  We have already put her swing away since she was never really into it, unlike her sister who loved to swing and would take great naps in it.

*She did great on the airplane ride, both coming and going to England.  She was pretty easy for the whole ride, which was great for us.  We never really got to sleep any, but I am not sure we would have slept even without having a baby with us.

Don't know her stats as far as weight and height, but will update after her doc appt. next Friday :)

That's it for tonight, more blogging about our trip to come soon!

A few more pictures :)  Oh, and I did take pictures in England, I promise. Just haven't gotten around to those blogs yet...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Home sweet home...

So much blogging to catch up on....I know.  My goal was to do some blogging while in England, but as you can see, that didn't happen.  Part of my excuse is that our camera card wasn't wanting to work to put our pictures on the computer.  And the other minor excuse is that Evie never really came to understand that we were in a different time zone and her sleeping should adjust accordingly.  Most nights Michael and I tag teamed tending to her till 4 a.m.  Fun times, really.  By the end of the trip she was starting to do a little better, but alas, we are now back and readjusting to our time zone.  I am definitely feeling the jet lag, esp. since Evie wants to hang out during the night.

So enough complaining about my lack of sleep...

It might take me a few blogs I am sure to catch up, but we shall see.

Let's rewind back to before we left.  Nana and Papa came up on Tues the week before we left to get some time with all of us before we all headed our separate ways on Friday.  It was quite chilly and with all the packing and such to do, we stayed in a lot and just hung out around the apt.  We did find time to go get some yummy beignets and go to SK's favorite spot, the Spaghetti Factory!

We had some fun tea parties and crafting!  Then on Friday we got ready and headed to the airport.  It was really hard to leave our baby girl, but I knew she was going to have a blast with all the grandparents while we were gone.

More blogging to come soon, I promise.  I know everyone is on pins and needles to hear about our trip :)  We are still in the processing phase of it ourselves, plus getting over the jet lag too.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

We're here in Jolly Ole England!

Well, It's 1:00 here in the UK and of course Evie is up :)  Been up for a bit actually.  She just watched her Praise Baby movie 2 times so I got a bit of rest....
So much for hoping England would suddenly make her an amazing sleeper.

Moving on.

So how's it going so far.   Well, great.  We are sleep deprived, but making it.  We flew out Friday afternoon (stateside time) and arrived in here Sat. morning (UK time).   We didn't get any sleep on the plane other than me kinda dozing off while feeding Evie and then holding her while she napped.  We thought we were going to end up with seats (which we upgraded to at the last minute when they became available that had a place for a bassinet to attach to the wall of front of you, but low and behold we get on the plane and no bassinet.  That stunk.  But we pushed through yesterday without any sleep and made it till 8:30 when we crashed.  Of course Evie had been asleep a good 30 minutes and woke just as I was starting to doze, but I got her to sleep and got about an hour then :)

ugh.  I could use some rest.  She is eating now and prayerfully we are about to get some more sleep.  I am looking forward to worshipping at Grace Fellowship in the morning.

We spent our day yesterday just getting settled here with our friends (the Donahoo's) mostly.  We went for breakfast (can't remember the name of the place...will have to ask again...), then took a walk in to the village center to get groceries and some fresh air (and keep us moving).  We checked out Sainsbury's (their grocery store) and got some food.  We came back, hung out and made potato soup.  It was a lovely day and good chats and catching up.

Off to try to lay this baby down....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crossing the big pond...

We are only a few days away from crossing over the big pond!  In case you read this blog and don't get our newsletter, we are headed over to Northwest England this Friday to spend a week looking at the possibility of moving there once we are done with seminary.  Our ultimate goal in moving there would be seeing the gospel go out and churches planted.  We are open to what the Lord will do and/or how He might use us to accomplish His work there.
We are taking Evie with us, and SK will be heading to Alabama for the week to get spoiled rotten, I mean well cared for :), by grandparents.  I am nervous about leaving her.  Will you pray for me???  I have no worries about her being taken care of well, but I have never left my baby for so long or been so far from her.  I need prayers on this.  I think Friday will be the hardest in terms of missing and being anxious about being away from her.  Once we get on the ground there it will be better I am thinking :)

So our prayer for this trip is that the Lord will clearly show us whether this is what he is calling us to or not.  I pray and desire for him to clearly close these doors if this is not what he has planned for us.  Slam them shut if this isn't his plan.  I want him to make clear to us if this truly is where he wants us to go.  My desire is to come home from this trip at peace and even more excited about doing ministry there if this ultimately is his call on our family.  Will you pray that with me?

Pray for Evie. I took her to the doctor Monday, just to get her checked out (ears and lungs...) since she has had a bit of a cough and runny nose.  She was fine and all, but pray that nothing develops while we are gone and that she would be better before our flight on Friday.

Also pray for our travels.  Pray that Evie does alright as we fly.  We are on a fully booked plane, so hopefully she is a happy camper, so that everyone else on the plane can be the same :)

We are excited to have Michael's folks (Nana and Papa) coming up tomorrow (actually I think they are driving as I type).  They will be with us till Friday then be driving SK down to Alabama after taking us to the airport.
So in case I don't get a chance to blog again, thanks for the prayers!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"New Present"

Tonight when putting SK to bed, Evie and I got in bed with SK to have some cuddles :)  SK then tells me, "Momma, I love our new present!"  To which I asked what the present was that she was talking about.  She then gives me the cutest grin and points to her sister laying right beside her....

Melt.  My.  Heart.

Man, I don't think I can get over how fun it is to have 2 little girls.  What an incredible gift from the Lord that I never want to take for granted.

Then SK said, "Evie, you are special gift to us from God!"

I love these 2 girls so much!!