Monday, January 21, 2013


Yep...I am recovering from the flu.  Nothing like ruining a 4 day weekend off from work with the flu (or I should clarify that I didn't go to the doc to confirm, but I def. had flu-like symptoms).  It all started with some stuffiness that turned into fever, aches, and chills very quickly.  After checking around with my trusty facebook friends, I sent Michael off to Whole Foods for some herbal remedies.  I emailed my doctor to see what he thought if I needed to go to a doctor or not the next day (this all happened Sat. night...).  The next day the fever, aches, and chills were gone and I was/am back to just dealing with crud in my head.  Yeah for it not lasting long at least :)
SO I thought I would share what all I used in terms of herbal things to fight this bad boy off!  I did take some ibuprofen and dayquil a couple times, but found the herbal things to work better actually.

**Oil of Oregano
**Vitamin C
**Elderberry Extract
**Ginger Tea
**Tea Tree Oil
**Lavender Oil
**Echinacea Tea with Elderberry

That's fun stuff right??? :)  
I really do feel much better and think that these things really have helped a lot.  Well, more than that though I know I had much prayer going up for me.  If you were one who prayed for me, THANK YOU!  Your prayers were heard for sure :)  While it was a bummer to be sick this weekend, esp. right before Michael starts back to classes this week, it did work out well that I didn't have to take off of work and loose that income.
If you gave me recs of herbs to take, thank you too!  I am thankful to the Lord for friends close and far off that pray for me and love me so well.  AND for a pretty awesome hubby who helped out as much as he could with the girls and let me rest.

We did get to go Friday night to the Magic House with some friends and that was fun!  So I will leave you with some pictures from that night :)

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