Sunday, November 25, 2012

10 randoms...

How about a good ole random post to entertain me during a middle of the night feeding :)

1--Evie Joy is a good sleeper for the most part.  She isn't a rockstar sleeper like Sarah Kate was, but she does pretty good and I think more like what most babies do.  She wakes up 2 times a night, sometimes only 1 time :)  I like those nights for sure!  The girl love to cuddle though...she would probably sleep through the night if I let her sleep laying on me!

2--I like calling her "Evie Joy" more lately...not sure what will stick.  Everyone asks and I am still not sure.  Sarah Kate says no to "Evie Joy" and says she just likes to call her "Evie", and that would be with a soft "E" not a hard "E"...does that make sense???  I guess to each their own for now as far as what she is going to go by :)

3--She is starting to find her hands.  When she is laid on her back and in a good mood, you will see her raise her hands and stare at them with such wonder.  It is so cute :)

4--There are 2 weeks (then finals week...) of school left for Michael!  Woohoo.  Really.  I am pumped for Christmas break!  I am excited to get some down time (at least as far as MIchael's classes go...) and I am excited to go to Alabama and introduce everyone down there to our newest little one!

5--I went last week to order my passport.  I can't believe our trip to England is coming up in about 3.5 months.  Crazy!  We still have to get Evie's birth certificate before ordering her a passport too.  

6--I love the smell of real Christmas trees.  We went Friday to cut down a real tree for the first time.  MIchael and I have always used a fake pre-lit tree since we got married, but decided this was a good year to take SK to cut one down.  I remember loving doing that when I was a kid :)  She had a blast doing it!

7--I like dates with my hubby.  We got to sneak away on Friday too for a little lunch date.  I like him.  I like to sit and chat just the 2 of us without a cute little 4 year old jumping in the conversation and interrupting every 10 seconds...she sure is cute though :)  

8--I like hot drinks this time of year so much :)  Trader Joe's spicy chai latte is amazing.  So is their peppermint hot chocolate.  Yum.

9--I wish we had a fireplace.  I like fire :)

10--I was to do some crafts with SK soon.  Pinterest gives me so many ideas...I just need the energy to do them...oh, and the supplies.  I really don't like going to the stores this time of year.  Not at all.  Not even the grocery store really.  

Alright...good timing.  Here's to hoping to go back to sleep for a bit now...night, night :)

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