I can't believe our baby girl, Evelyn is 2 weeks old already! She has been so much fun to snuggle with, so that is why you haven't seen me blogging too much. I spend most of my time feeding, changing and snuggling with my girls. SK loves to get in on the snuggles too. Just this morning SK climbed up in our bed when she woke up (at 8:30!!!) and wanted to hold her sister. So we sat in the bed and snuggled all up and chatted while Daddy got ready for school.
So how are things so far? They are good. Nursing is hard. I am having a hard time getting my milk supply where it needs to be to put weight on our little one, but we are working through it and doing what we can for her and me to get things going better. She loves to nurse, which is good :) We just need her to get more calories to get her weight up....you could pray for that for me :) She is getting supplements for now to make sure she is gaining weight and that is okay with me. In the end, we just want a healthy baby and that is what is most important.
Moving on...
Evelyn does sleep well at night waking just to eat then goes right back to sleep (at least for the last nights...). It might help that she doesn't get put down in her bassinet at night...she gets to cuddle with momma. I kinda like it as much as she does I think! We will get her sleeping on her own at some point...I am not really worried about it right now. I want to soak in these cuddles as much as possible. I know from experience, they grow up fast :)
More random thoughts...
*It is starting to get cold here. I finally got around to puting up SK's summer clothes so she will quit asking to wear her summer dress when it is 50 degrees or less outside.
*We had another photo session yesterday with Evelyn! It is crazy that a month ago I was so sad that we wouldn't have our friends that typically do our photos in town to take any good pictures of Evie as a newborn, and then it turns out that we get 2 photo sessions for free! The one we did at the hospital was a gift from the family that I nanny for and then the next one was with a photographer that is trying to build her newborn portfolio and wanted a newborn to practice on :)
I have seen a few photos, but will wait to reveal those till we see the rest that she got yesterday! I will say that they are awesome!
alright...times up for me...off to be with my girls! pics coming soon!
Congrats!! She is beautiful... and what an amazing story of God's love and mercy!! Love how He has blessed your family... and looking back you can see how much your faith and strength grew because of the heartbreaking times of pain and despair! God is good!! Happy for your sweet family of 4!