Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let the snowing commense...

We are officially in winter here.  It's cold.  Very cold.  To me at least ;)  Yesterday we had our first sighting of snowflakes falling and today there has been more.  Not enough to collect on the ground, but today was colecting on our outdoor chairs and car.  SK was so excited.  She gets this whole "yeah! It's snowing" thing from her daddy, not me.  I told her it was snowing during lunch (maybe should have waiting till after lunch...) and she ran for her coat and gloves and begged to go outside.  I let her play outside of our door while I stayed (with some friends that had come over for lunch :)) indoors.  She got out there and just stared up at the snowflakes falling.  Then she tried to collect the little bit of snow that had collected on the chair to make a snowball.  All of this while mommy enjoyed her warm soup and being indoors.  She was fun to watch though.  Then...she gets truly upset when it stops snowing.  She almost cried I think.  Poor thing.  If only she truly understood that we are just getting geared up for winter and there will more than likely be plenty more of that snow in the coming weeks.
We are enjoying the Christmas season too.  We went last week to see a great park that does lots of Christmas lights.  We piled in our van (oh, the perks of being a minivan family now...) with some friends and their little girl and drove through the park.  It was fun and SK loved it.

Mommy and Sk!

Fun tunnel we drove through!

Blurry pic of the lights...best I got :)

Then this last weekend, Michael and I got to have ourselves a little night out for Covenant's Christmas banquet.  It was really fun.  We had a yummy dinner then got to listen to a great band and enjoy hanging out with other Covenant folks.  It was quite the night, esp. seeing the professors enjoying themselves on the dancefloor.  If you look on youtube--search Jimmy Agan dancing, and you can see for yourself.  It's pretty funny :)    He along with many other's had a blast dancing.

Other than that we just find ways to entertain ourselves indoors these days :)

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