Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Apple Pickin'

We decided on Monday to go apple pickin' since we had the day off from work and school.  The weather was incredible, so we set out with our picnic to Eckert's farm in Illinois about 40 minutes from us to enjoy the day.  We had so much fun on our first trip to pick apples.  We ate quite a bit of apples and brought some home to enjoy for a while.  I haven't gotten around to making an apple pie, but that is on my list for tomorrow!  They had a kid's play area too, so SK got to pick one ride and happily chose the airplanes.  She had a blast riding, then we were off to the apple orchard.

I have more posting to do hopefully by tomorrow.  Sk had her first ever BALLET class today.  I think I was more excited than she was, and she was pretty stinkin excited.  I had a hard time not being one of "those moms"  who take a ridiculous amounts of pictures and take forever to get out of the door so the teacher can start the class and peek in the window.   I restrained myself....this time :)  I can't believe my baby is old enough to go to ballet!  Ok, so enough about that.  Pictures and post about that will come tomorrow!

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