I have also been crafting and sewing too. I have found so many ideas on pinterest, that I don't know where to start with all of the things I want to try. This week I am working on making SK some things for the fall including a smocked top and a turkey outfit. I have ideas running in my head for making curtains. So many things :)
I have also been getting some great recipes off of pinterest too. Wanna see what has been on our menu....
Buffalo Chicken Mac-n-Cheese
Want the recipe? I highly reccomend it. It made a huge casserole, so 2 meals worth. It was delish too!
Here is the link.
Other things on my list to make tomorrow:
Homemade yogurt
Homemade Protein bars
So fun right :) I am excited about the clothes I am working on for SK. My plan is to finish them up tomorrow and hopefully have a blog on Friday with pictures of them being modeled by the lovely Sarah Kate.
That's if for now. I am off to enjoy the rest of this naptime...
You sew so fast. I am a bit jealous of that.