I did not mean to take so long to blog again, but such is life right now. This week has been filled with to-do lists, catching up, clean, sinus headaches, and just plain old busyness. O well. I haven't been feeling too hot this week, so I am just trying to keep up with life and working and such, therefore blogging has taken a back seat.
On to the rest of our trip. I know most of you have probably seen the pictures from our trip on facebook. I didn't take tons of pictures, not near as many as I should have, but we had so much fun each day. It was so nice to be back at our parent's and friend's homes. It was such a whirlwind of a trip and not near long enough to be able to see enough of everyone that we wanted to see. We are so blessed with an awesome family and incredible friends that love us and care for us.
So there are way too many stories to tell about the trip (esp. with my headache...), but I will try to tell some. SK got a special treat of getting a slumber party at each of the grandparent's houses while Michael and I got to spend some time together with friends. She had so much fun having that quality time with Mimi and Nana and Papa.
SK is so blessed to have her grandparents. She is so well loved and we love seeing her face light up when she is with them. So thank you Nana and Papa and Mimi for loving our baby so much. We love seeing her with y'all and even more than that seeing how each of you are helping us point her to Christ. It truly blesses our hearts.
So I know this post probably is a bit jumbled, but that is the best I got right now. We wish our trip to Alabama could have been longer, but had so much fun while we were there.
We also got to have our dear friend, Virginia take our family pictures one morning, which was so much fun! We are so excited to have some new pictures. It is fun to look back each year and seen how much SK has grown. Thanks Virginia for doing such an awesome job! We love them!
Hopefully I can get back to blogging more. Michael is in between semesters right now so we are trying to enjoy this down time (somewhat down time at least...) as a family before the busy fall begins!