So this weekend we had the pleasure of getting to hear Mo Leverette twice. Saturday we headed to the grand opening of Charlie's bbq and hear Mo out on the "pig sty" and then again Sunday night we got to have dinner with our church family and then enjoy Mo some more. The lyrics to one song last night (well, really there were others too) really hit me. The title, "It's Alright". How it translated for me: Stop moping about hard times, Christ has already handled it all. That seemed to be the theme for me yesterday, even with the sermon yesterday morning and Sunday School. Christ has already paid the ultimate sacrifice and He paves the way for us, but I struggle so much with wanting to handle everything myself. Then when things get hard, I don't truly trust. It is hard. I want to sing out "It is alright!", I want to believe that, I do. But instead so many times I feel in my heart, "This isn't alright. This isn't fair!"
Yesterday morning Scripture was Matthew 26:36-46. Even Christ felt human emotions. He prayed that if it was possible to let the cup pass that He was about to have to endure. What an encouragement that Christ has been where I am emotionally. And I look at my tribulations, then at what Christ knew he was about to face as He prayed that night. Christ has taken it all and paid for it with His own body.
I want to trust the Lord. So many times my unbelief gets in the way.
So if you are following our craziness with our move to St. Louis and are praying for us. Thank you. I feel your prayers. We need them. I know there is so much going on around us. Pain. Hurt. Struggles. I pray that we all can trust that He is near, and cares so much.
New ways you can pray for us:
*Michael found out last week that he has been transferred to the Birmingham branch to work the second shift in the warehouse. This is a blessing and great for many reasons. He will not have to leave so early in the mornings (most mornings before he didn't get to see SK before he left in the morning). He won't have to drive so far (almost half the distance). But he won't be home until 8:30 or later at night. You other mom's can relate I think to the late afternoon into evening times that we sit and just can't wait for daddy to get home and help out.
*We continue to wait to hear about scholarships. That is all I will say about that. Pray that we hear this week.
Thank you for your prayers. I pray that you are renewed this morning and with me can say through whatever you might be going through, "It's alright." It truly is. God is good and I know He is bigger than the struggles we face.
To end, here are some pics of life around here lately!
Weekend before last we took a day trip with Nana and Pop to Chatanooga, TN. We took lots of pics, but I loved this one. Sarah Kate was passed out and snuggling on Pop and he climbed up on this rock and we snapped this picture. It was a beautiful view. The day was gorgeous and we had so much fun!

Mimi kept SK and her cousin Haven last week. The girls had a blast playing together outside and decorating a pumpkin and then had a little slumber party on SK's rug taking a great nap laying next to each other.
Sarah Kate went to visit Daddy on his last day out at Anniston. We ate at her favorite place, Chick-fil-A then piddled around the mall. SK found this little carousel and decided to ride the horsey for a bit and of course pose for a picture :) *Isn't she cute all dolled up in her fall outfit!
Praise The Lord! In my mind's eye I see you smiling today! That is what a mom, no matter how young or old loves to see and hear from her child, no matter how young or old they are either!! I love you sweet daughter of miine!! And my 3 sweet granddaughters are the icing on the cake along with Johnny, Michael,and Jamie. YES!! Thank you Lord, IT IS ALRIGHT!!