She is definitely a determined 2 year old. We have great days of her playing nicely and eating all of her food and obeying her mommy and daddy, then we have days of that not happening so much. She is so funny how she tries to push her boundaries. Her line lately has been, "Just 1 more, mommy?" Which can be used for 1 more book before bed, 1 more cup of milk before bed, only 1 more bite of food, 1 cookie before dinner, I think you get the idea. She is awfully cute when she asks, but Mommy has to draw the line somewhere and be mommy :).
She is starting to get more and more imaginative. She loves playing dress up and prances around the house saying, "I a princess, momma!" or "I a ballerina!" She also loves to put on makeup, which has caused quite a few messes when she has openned up my makeup without me present and spread loose blush all over her face, shirt, dresser, ect. And, we LOVE, LOVE lipstick (that would include chapstick and lip gloss), which has also found it's way all over the carseat and her face.
She loves playing outside, but what kid doesn't. By far, her favorite thing to do at the park is swing. She would swing all day if we let her.
She is taking 1 nap in the afternoon, which last for about 2 hours most days. Mommy loves this down time :) She goes to bed around 7:30/8:00 p.m. depending on our evening activities.
When we go to get dressed in the morning, Sarah Kate loves picking out her own outfit. Sometimes if I am quick enough, I can narrow down to a couple choices for her, but she has to have imput into what she will wear or we will more than likely have a meltdown.
She is singing more and more songs lately, which is so fun. Songs she likes to sing songs including: "Our God is a great big God!", "Jesus Loves Me", "ABC" song, "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Row, Row, Row your boat", and then there are the completely made up ones that are just as cute too :)
For fall festival tonight, SK was a ballerina (momma is so creative, right). She was so cute with her little ballerina tutu, ballet shoes, and a bun to top it off. Here are a few quick pictures of our evening: 
Two very excited little girls :)
**Cousin Haven came as tinkerbell to join in on the fun with Sarah Kate!
First game of the night with Mr. Steve.
A little excited about the candy and prizes --so much so that she wouldn't trust mommy to hold onto it for her.
Haven all excited about her prizes!
Twinkies! Unplanned, Sarah Kate ended up matching Gracie! That is 2 pretty ballerinas I must say!
Getting all dolled up by Mrs. Bonnie. I think this must have been SK's favorite part of the night. Getting beautified :)
Checkin' out the final product. Little diva look into the mirror and then off to show her friends.