Today is a very special day around here. Daddy's Birthday!
So, today, I give you a list of why I am the luckiest girl in the world....
1. Michael loves me even when I am not a very loveable person.
2. I love the way he loves our Sarah Kate. The way I see his heart melt every time she wraps her arms around his neck for a hug, I can see him melt and time stop. He loves her so much and that does my heart good.
3. He takes care of so much for me and Sarah Kate. Not many daddy's will willingly go change the amount of stinky diapers my hubby has changed. Even after working a long day at work, he comes home and finds ways to serve me, even in the simple ways like fixing my plate at dinner or helping clean up from dinner, or getting Sarah Kate ready for bed.
4. The way in which he leads our family where he feels the Lord's direction and how I can see his top priority after his relationship with the Father is taking care of his 2 girls :).
5. I love how he desires time to be just us as a family and have that quality time together.
6. I love to see him share Christ with our daughter. Whether it be through reading scripture together, reading Bible stories, or even through his disciplining with her I can see him showing her of her deep need in a Savior.
7. His patience.
8. The way I can see him encourage me when I need it. So many times lately, I have been encouraged to Trust the Lord with His timing and His ways. I am the type that wants to know everything now, but Michael reminds me continually to trust and wait on the Lord.
9. I love how each night I get a kiss and "I love you" before we go to sleep.
10. I love how he doesn't take lightly the calling God has put on his life as head of our household. I didn't really know what that looked like growing up. My father did not take that job as important and seeing what a beautiful picture it is of how Michael loves his family the way in which Christ loves the church really impacts me.
Thank you, Michael for loving me and Sarah Kate and puting up with our whining :)
We love you so much and hope your birthday is incredible!

OH HOW SWEET!!! We know how you feel about Michael, and how he feels about you, and Sarah Kate... it just blesses our hearts! Michael as you know and have so well expressed above... is a godly man, a godly husband, a godly father, and a godly son! It's a joy to watch as the Lord uses all of you for His purposes. It's an honor to be Michael's parents... he is a blessing and a joy! Also, It's really hard to believe that he is 28 years old today... where did the time go. Hugs and kisses to you all... with much love! Theresa