So we are on Fall Break (read that as Michael doesn't have class, but there has been plenty still going on...). Michael flew out last Thursday to go down to Alabama to be with our friends, Trace and Bruce. Let me first explain that Trace and Bruce are the 2 elders of Culcheth Community Church, which is the church we are going to in England. Trace is from Alabama (same home church) and Bruce is from England. So Michael flew down Thursday afternoon, then the 3 of them hit the road on Friday for South Carolina. They spent the weekend there (and from the sounds of it, had a greatly encouraging time there) then drove back to Alabama on Monday. On Tuesday, they hit the road to St. Louis. Yes, that is a lot of time in the car for these guys. They stayed here till yesterday, then Trace and Bruce headed back to Alabama yesterday.
I was glad they were able to make it up here a couple days. It was good to get the time to talk with them more about us coming there and hear from them more about their take on the state that England is in.
Hearing them talk though made my heart long to be there now. I don't want to wait 16 or 17 months to get there. I want to go now. I want to dive into to ministry and building relationships. I am anxious to see how the Lord uses our giftings there. What will it end up looking like?
I have to stop myself though. I have to remind myself that the Lord has us here for now. And it is good that we are here. It is good. The waiting will be good. I have been in this waiting spot before. I remember. I will wait on the Lord and His timing. I don't have to completely understand it or be all overjoyed by it, but I will wait on the Lord. I will trust that HE is good and wants to use us here for this time. He will get us there.
We are excited that the Lord has called us to this purpose. We know to that it isn't going to be easy. Some days, my mind goes to "What are we getting into? What are we about to put our children through?" Such a range of emotions over the whole thing really.
Back to our time with Trace and Bruce.
On Tuesday, they pulled into town around 6 (after sitting in STL traffic for about an hour it seemed). We ate a quick bite of chili, then had some people over for dessert and chatting.
Wednesday, we started out our day introducing them to Trader Joe's. I believe Trace had orders from Ginger to not return without having been to Trader Joe's :) (completely joking about the orders bit...)
Then we headed to Pi Pizza for lunch. It is kinda like Chicago style pizza and it was quite yummy. Trace ate so much that he covered lunch and dinner in that one sitting :)
Then that night we had a get together at the Kirk, where Trace and Bruce were able to share about the need in England and what is going on with Culcheth Community Church as well, ministering in a post-Christian society.
I got most of their talk recorded, so I look forward to watching it again myself :)
If you didn't get to come Wed. night and want to watch it with us, let us know!
After the Kirk get together, we headed back to our place and stayed up till 11:30 or so talking. Good discussion happened for sure :)
The guys got together with a couple men from the Kirk for breakfast Thursday morning, then Trace and Bruce headed out to make the drive back to Alabama.
I would have loved to have even more time with them, but soon enough we will all be living and doing life together in England!
Here is a quick look at our time together in pictures: