Well, SK must have known that I posted about her yesterday. She figured she should be a little more obedient today and give momma a day off today, kindof. It helped that she had swim lessons for the first time today. She was so pumped about going. She got up this morning around 6:30 (a.m.--i know, such is the life around here!) crawled in bed with us and asked if it was time to go to her lesson. We had 4hours. So we made some cinnamon rolls and cleaned house, then got ready to go. She could barely contain her excitement as she got her swimsuit out and put it on. It was pretty stinkin cute. Then I had to convince her that we had to put clothes on over the swimsuit to drive to the pool. She didn't want to get them wet in the pool she kept telling me. Once we figured that part out, we were off to swim lessons. There is a rec. center close to us that had fairly cheap swim lessons, which meet on Sat. mornings for 8 weeks. The house that I nanny at has a swimming pool (completely gated of course), but I figured if we were going to be enjoying that this summer, maybe some lessons would be handy. Plus, Sk is almost too confident when it comes to water. She tells me all the time that she can do it by herself, including jumping in...yeah. Hello swim lessons for mommy's sanity, more than for her :)
It was a mommy and me class, so I got to (I guess I would say "had to", more than "got to") get in my swimsuit and do the class with her. We started with getting used to the water playing with toys then headed to the lazy river to practice swimming, by throwing a toy in front of us and swimming to get it (with mommy's help of course), then jumping off the side to mommy, floating on our back and singing some fun songs, and playing some games. SK had so much fun. It was one of the cutest times we have had together ever. I had fun too, esp. since she was smiling ear to ear the whole time. AND, the instructor commented a couple of times that she was a really good swimmer :) Yeah, she's my smart girl (let me brag like a good mama, ok?).
Poor daddy had to work (he works every Sat, I know, boo right?), so we headed to Walmart to get some groceries and have a little lunch date at the Subway inside, since it was already lunch time and I was starving after the class.
On a side note, People amaze me. I have had 2 instances in the last day of people being rude to me. Maybe I am still not used to not being in the south or something. So last night, we were at the mall piddling around looking for Daddy, when a lady passed by us (SK in her stroller) and gave Sk a look like "what on earth is she wearing?" , then proceeded to say something to her daughter about my child's choice of shoes. Now heres the deal. We let SK pick out her shoes, seeing this a not a battle worth fighting. Sometimes we can convince her to wear ones that match, and sometimes not. This particular time was one where we weren't matching so much and had some white socks on with some not so cute shoes that are more like plaid house shoes than going out shoes. Ok, so she might have been a bit tacky, but she is cute enough to pull it off, right? Maybe you shouldn't answer that :)
THEN!, today we were in line at Subway waiting our turn to order food and SK kept telling me that she wanted chips, to which I replied she was going to have Apple slices first. Well, I guess the lady in front of me felt the need to jump into our conversation and looks back at me and says "She said she wanted chips. I can translate for you". Are you kidding me? Did she really think I couldn't understand what my child was telling me.
Whew. Ok, I feel better.
On another note, we hit the jackpot for Michael last night. We were looking for a sports coat for him. He has been wanting one for a while, but we just haven't had time or needed to spend lots of money on that right now. Well, I had gottten $10 giftcard to the mall for my birthday (You can sign up HERE and go the week of your birthday to the Galleria and get a free giftcard!!), and I somehow got another $10 for some deal they were doing for people that were signed up for Valentine's Day. SO, I had $20 to the mall and really wanted to take Michael to look for a Coat. Well, at Dillards, there was some great clearance deals, where things were marked really far down, then an additional 50% off. We found a Perry Ellis brown coat for $25 and a Murano and another coat for the same. So we ended up getting 2 jackets and a button down shirt that matched for less than $50. And, regular price for these items were over $400! That is crazy if anyone would ever buy that at regular price, but I was so excited! We don't shop very often for daddy, so it made for a really fun night :)
Ok, so enough randomness for the day. I am off to get dinner preps underway. We are having another seminary family over for dinner tonight. It is actually the first time we have had anyone over yet. And I really do enjoy having people in our home and cooking for others.
On the menu: Pork Chops, salad, purple hull peas, mashed potatoes, and bread (Ginger Donahoo's recipe...makes me miss her :)). Yumm.