Thursday, December 30, 2010
One Week Away
1. Orange carpet--enough said
2. Semi-warm showers--our water heater here is tempermental and I like me a good scolding hot shower and never know from day to day if it will be hot or barely warm or even kinda cold.
3. Cardboard Boxes--I have had boxes in my home for 7 months at least now, since we sold our house, we never fully unpacked here, so it will be nice to get everything out.
4. Cooking with only half of my kitchen things, I left many things packed up and can't wait to get it all out in St. Loius--it will be like Christmas morning when I get to open all of our boxes up there.
5. The long drive from our house to really just about anywhere. I drove nearly 40 minutes to work and 20 to the grocery store...We will live right across the street from the grocery store in St. Louis and 15 minutes to school for Michael and the house I will be nannying at.
On the other hand, I will miss many things incredibly, including:
1. Family--duh right? Michael and I love our families and will miss them, but look foward to having them come up and stay with us! Can't write too much on this, I know Grandparents are gonna cry throughout this week probably and I don't want to add to the tears, but We love you guys so much and will cherish moments we get to have together either in St. Louis or B'ham.
2. Our Church Family--man, I will start crying as I continue this post...What an impact this body of Christ has had on our family. I cherish the time that we got to spend with these amazing people and wish I could pack them up and take them with me....
3. Now, to things that won't necessarily make me cry (well, not as much at least): Sweet Tea, knowing my way around (I don't like driving around figuring out new roads), Maja's almond skillet bread, Briarwood Ballet, and just being in the South (Southern people are just so friendly).
We have been busy this week getting all the details worked out and finishing up on packing around here. We have had quite the time with medical insurance drama and all, but I think Michael has gotten everything squared away and we are go for take off :)
We are sad that so many people are sick right now and hope to get everyone better so we have time with people before leaving. Poor Nana found out today that she has the flu, so hopefully and prayerfully she can get better quickly so we can have time to hang out with them before next week. So many dear friends at our church too have been facing colds and flu and all, we hope everyone gets better quick!
Anyways, just thought I would update about my thoughts on being a week away. We are hoping to just enjoy our last week here and get all geared up for the big drive up next Friday :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Jesse Tree 22 & 23
On to the Jesse Tree!
For Day 22, Sarah Kate did her story and ornament with Miss Crissy.
Scripture: Luke 1
We see here how John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus' coming.
Ornament: a Dove
(Thanks Crissy for taking time to do this with SK!)
For Day 23, we looked at the Angel visit to Mary and Joseph in Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:20-25. What a beautiful picture of faithful servants who listened to the Lord and obeyed. Yes, they were probably scared and unsure of what the Lord was doing or going to do through them, but they obeyed none the less.
Ornament: an Angel
Sorry, pictures are lacking from our Jesse Tree time, but another post is coming with our Chrismas day activities...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 20 &21
Day 20 key scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7
Here we see Isaiah's prophecy of Christ. It is so incredible to see how hundreds of years before the Messiah came, God revealed this promise through people like Isaiah. As we dig into scripture we see how the Lord reveals his plan a little at a time. I remember Michael describing it like a flower bud. You see the seed as it is planted in the ground, not knowing what it is going to look like in the end, but waiting and watering it. Then you see the sprout start to come out of the ground, then as the flower forms you can start to see the petals open and see more of what type of flower it will be, what color, and size, ect. Just like the plan of redemption, God's people knew that the Lord was promising to save his people, and through scripture we see more revealed of how it will look. We see through Isaiah's prophecy that the promised Messiah will be born of a virgin and will be a King of a Kingdom that will never end.
Ornament: SK colored the name of Jesus.
Day 21: SK had a slumber party with Mimi that night, so mommy could rest at home and have Daddy's full attention to baby her. She had an extra special treat to get to have that slumber party with her cousin Haven. The girls had a blast it sounds like baking cookies and playing together. In the morning, they got up and got to do the Jesse Tree story together.
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:33, Reading/paraphrasing all of chapter 31.
We see through Jeremiah, that the Lord will establish a new covenant with his people through Christ. God will write the new law on their hearts. If we look to the Last Supper Christ has with his disciples, Jesus shares how his blood will be the new covenant.
Ornament: A Heart
We are thankful that the Grandmama's spent this time with SK teaching her through scripture about our Lord. Just an update of me and the surgery if you are interested: The surgery went well, I guess, I slept through it :) The doctor did tell Michael that the tonsils definitely looked like they needed to come out. I have stayed on pain meds, just to keep from feeling any pain that might be going on. I have been able to eat some solids, not too much, but I did have cheese toast with soup yesterday, so that is good I think. Icecream is definitely my friend right now too. I am thankful to have an appetite, since we were warned that I might not have one after surgery. My jaw is feeling a bit sore (the Doc did say that I have a small throat making it hard to work around the tube they put in my throat during the surgery--mean my jaw would possibly be sore afterward) and swallowing hurts, but overall I think recovery is going ok. I am resting and drinking lots, so hopefully recovery will be quick, esp. since we move in 2 weeks! Thanks for your prayers, I really appreciate all I can get right now :)
Hope everyone is having a great Christmas week!
Monday, December 20, 2010
A look back at our weekend
Today has been a big pack day since surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Pray for me. I am trying to relax, but I have already gone through the getting worked up part a week and a half ago and now I have to go through it again. Add to that the stress of packing for our big move only 2 weeks away and...well, it will all be fine I know...I just don't like not knowing how my recovery will go and I want to enjoy these last couple of weeks here in Alabama too.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 16 & 17
Day 17, we looked at the annointing of David. We see how the promised Messiah will come through the line of David, and we see the promise of an eternal Kingdom that will come through the promised Savior. One awesome part of the story of the annointing we looked at in this passage was how David was selected by God not because of his outward strength or looks, but by his heart. God saw David's heart, seeing through the fact that he was the youngest of his brothers (the son's of Jesse) and the weakest. We had fun glueing jewels on a crown for our ornament and then coloring it purple (the color that seems to be Sk's favorite color).
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 14 & 15
What faith that is! Risking her own life for a God she hardly knew, but completely trusted. We flip over to Matthew 1 and see how she ends up being a part of the geneology of Christ, she being 1 out of only 5 women found in the geneology. So many cool things we can see through that.
Day 15: We turn to Judges 7 and learn about the story of Gideon. We see how the M. and A. armies had been oppressing the Israelites for 7 years, which was allowed by God for the idolatry from the Israelites. God spoke to Gideon, who put an end to the idolatry and formed an army to take over the M. and A. armies. Gideon had an army of 32,000 and God told him to make his army smaller so they would not be able to boast in themselves and their own power, for their boasting was to be in the Lord and His power. God then took the army down to only 300 men, much less than the other armies. Then God revealed to Gideon in a dream the battle plans. Each man was to take a jar, a torch, and a trumpet and divide into 3 groups. With Gideon's signal the men were to break their jars, waive their torches, and blow their trumpets. The M. and A. armies then proceeded to flee in fear.
What an awesome story to show us that God will use us even though we are weak and it might look like we are outnumbered and outpowered. God does the same thing today, that He did way back then. He shows us that with His strength we can do ALL things. Not our own strength or our own power, but only His!
Well--just to keep everyone, or at least whoever might be reading our blog, I went to the doctor (Hematologist--blood doc) and had more labs drawn and another b-12 shot. From what they can tell thus far, it might be that the only way my body is accepting b-12 is through shots, which would mean I would be on b-12 shots regularly (Have I meantioned that I really don't like needles and shots...and I have had lots the last week or so...). We are waiting on one more lab result and then also waiting to see if the b-12 shots begin to make my blood levels go up. Our prayer is that it is that simple and it is nothing else (I did go over other possibilities out there, but most likely are not the case with me). Given all of this, my blood doc then called my ent doc and told him that I would be fine for surgery in his opinion. Both doctors feel that I will be fine with surgery and so we have set things up for Tues being the big day (once again...)! I will go back to the blood doc on monday for another shot and labs, and maybe at that point my levels will be heading up in the right direction, then he said he might be prescribing me shots that I can just do at home and I will have to find a hematologist when we get to St. Louis to continue checking my levels and all. Crazy!! Oh, and did I mention surgery will be 2 days before our insurance changes...Whew! I will say that I am so thankful to the Lord for us finding this out before the insurance change and before our move. God is so good and is working this all out for His purposes and Glory!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 12 & 13
Monday, December 13, 2010
Jesse Tree 10 & 11
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 8 & 9
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 7
Monday, December 6, 2010
Jesse Tree Day 6
Notice Sarah Kate's eye in the pic? She woke up this morning with a swollen, sealed shut eye...poor baby girl. She is now on eye drops and feeling better, but she was pitiful when she woke up this morning and couldn't open up her eye. We are washing up lots around here, trying to prevent the spread of germs, especially with my surgury approaching on Friday. Pray for us that no one else gets it, we need to be healthy around here. I need daddy healthy so that he can take care of me after surgury and I definitely don't need to get it. We appreciate any prayers we can get, esp. on Friday as I go to surgury and recover the following days. I know it will be a simple surgury and I should go home that day, but I am a bit nervous. I know I will be in good hands though and am thankful that we are doing this here while we have so much help.
Y'all have a good monday!