We are finally getting somewhat settled in to our new house. Sarah Kate is loving her new yard to play in and begs daily to go pick blueberries from our sweet neighbors yard. The moving process went well, but of course there had to be some crazy things to go along with it. Here is a short list of things we should remember from this move:
1. Phones that sit in water tend to not work afterward.
2. Don't put your keys anywhere except for your purse, they are sure to get lost and be lost at the most inconvenient times.
3. If it is going to be a crazy day anyway, go ahead and decide to get 4 new tires and an alignment on your car (since we realized the morning of the move that my car was showing steel on the tires).
4. Refridgerators are larger these days compared to the 70's. Therefore they might be a bit of a bugger to fit through doorways--but We are so thankful for our family and friends sacrificing all their strength to lift our fridge over the rails of our back deck to get our fridge in our kitchen--which then the fridge still did not fit in the built in spot--therefore we will have a fridge sticking out in the middle of our kitchen :)
5. Hot water is a lovely thing. Since this could not be appreciated at our new house till Tues., we got to appreciate it elsewhere (well, Michael took cold showers, but i refused--esp. since we have such lovely friends offer their showers).
Well, that is a short list of things we enjoyed during this move. Overall, the move went fast, we were so thankful for our friends and family coming to help clean, move, and unpack our boxes. Sarah kate has transitioned so well too, which I am so glad! She loves her purple room, that coordinates so well with the orange carpet I might add. The first night we went to put sk to bed, we realized her ceiling was covered with glow in the dark stars. She loves it!
I am going to miss the downstairs room Michael and his dad built. I loved how the fireplace turned out! This mantle was from an antique store that we found after a long hunt (It was out of an old house).

This is Sarah Kate the first morning in our new house. We were getting ready for church and she decided to put on make-up like mommy. She got into my lip balm and covered her nose with it. She had been crying cause daddy wouldn't give her more. Goofy Kid :)